Alan rang to say we have a new grandson
5.01am 31st October 2007
7 lbs 10 ozs
Mother,father and baby were all well.
Tyler Alexander Mills few hours old
Alan came home to collect me about 10 am and it was so exciting to see Tyler he is a lovely baby, although you cannot see it he has black hair and Alan and I think he has blue eyes. My first thoughts were he looked like Alan. I expect Siew Gin's parents will say he looks just like her. We will have to wait and see in the next few weeks.
It was also Halloween
On the way home from the hospital we stopped off to buy candy this was my first time in the USA to celebrate this event. No sooner had I got home than the doorbell rang, first group of children had arrieved they were all dressed up and the parents were also in fancy dress. I was very excited.
By nine I had been to the door so many times the novelty was wearing off and I was extremely tired, on the whole it was a very enjoyable experience and I am sure Jake would have enjoyed it, don't know about the dressing up bit as I understand he didn't wear his spider costume to his nursery event.