Wednesday, October 31, 2007

We have a new grandson

Alan rang to say we have a new grandson


5.01am 31st October 2007

7 lbs 10 ozs

Mother,father and baby were all well.

Tyler Alexander Mills few hours old

Alan the proud new father

Siew Gin, Alan and Tyler

Alan came home to collect me about 10 am and it was so exciting to see Tyler he is a lovely baby, although you cannot see it he has black hair and Alan and I think he has blue eyes. My first thoughts were he looked like Alan. I expect Siew Gin's parents will say he looks just like her. We will have to wait and see in the next few weeks.

It was also Halloween

On the way home from the hospital we stopped off to buy candy this was my first time in the USA to celebrate this event. No sooner had I got home than the doorbell rang, first group of children had arrieved they were all dressed up and the parents were also in fancy dress. I was very excited.

By nine I had been to the door so many times the novelty was wearing off and I was extremely tired, on the whole it was a very enjoyable experience and I am sure Jake would have enjoyed it, don't know about the dressing up bit as I understand he didn't wear his spider costume to his nursery event.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Will it be today

Tuesday morning and Siew Gin has decided not to go to work, we are all wondering if this the day the baby would arrive

Alan and Siew Gin both tried to work from home, but by early evening the pains were coming more regular and they both decided it was time to head off for the hospital.

The hospital thought I might be a grandmother by 2 am so I cat napped while waiting for news.

I checked the answer phone in case I had slept though any messages and by 4 am on Wednesday I gave up trying to sleep and emailed Barry, I just had to talk to someone. Tried to ring Patrick but he was at work.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Waiting for Baby

Monday Siew Gin went to work and Alan was working from home. Alan and I managed to go out and complete four geocaches as well as doing the shopping. We also passed the time by working out some puzzle caches in the UK for Patrick to go out and find.

After Siew Gin came home from work we both went out for a meal while Alan stayed in to watch sport on the television.

No sign of the new arrival but he is not due until 3rd.

Going to USA to await the arrival of new grandchild

Patrick took me up to Heathrow on Sunday 28th October so that I could go over to USA to await the arrival of our new grandchild, unfortunately he could not come with me as he had to work.

It was a long flight with delays but Siew Gin was there to meet me, I must have been one of the last people to come through customs, as some of the cases were held up. I think she had almost given up. Alan had been to badminton but he was home when we arrived.

Now all we all have to do is wait for the birth of their child and our grandson.