Monday, June 30, 2008

June Continued

Jake has a new T-shirt with one of his favourite words on "bored".
Also he is using his car plate that Uncle Alan and Aunty Siew Gin bought him for Christmas.

After helping to set up Daniels new Gym Jake had to try it out.

Jake had this lovely lego police station from his new brother.

Patrick came up for the weekend to see Daniel, and managed to cut the grass and move a lot of the rubish where Barry had cut down the front hedge, so Jake and I were able to play in the garden I have never run round so much for a long time.

Jake singing Bob the Builder on top of the slide.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

June 26th

Well we have a new grandson his name is Daniel Owen.

26th June 2008

Weight 10lbs 1.5 ozs

at 12.26 p.m.

Daniel Owen picture taken by pround dad

Jake and I spent Thursday playing games but listening for the phone call, When Barry phoned he was so excited and cheered he wanted to know if he had had a bath.

So we quickly had our tea so that we could go into see the new arrival.

Sarah was in a bed by the window and Barry held up Daniel, Jake was so excited he didn't know whether to put the presents down so I could pick him up in the end I picked him up presents and all. Barry came out to get Jake and he went in to spend some time with his new brother.

Sarah and Daniel just a few hours old.

Jake could not wait to show off his new brother to me, and then he helped Barry to feed him.
While I had a little cuddle Barry and Jake went off to explore the hospital shop.

Daniel at Home

Daniel asleep

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Well its June already, we have had a very busy month with Patrick doing more training for the BB and we had an awarnes day at the Old Market in Taunton, unfortunately it clashed with an training day for Patrick for MND so he helped set up in the morning and then came back late afternoon to help clear up. My friend Daphne was a great help and we managed to get in some shopping while we had other helpers on the stand.

Patrick and I manning the stand.

We also had an open meeting for MND in Taunton but again Patrick could not make it as it clashed with the Boys' Brigade AGM, I was lucky Val came with me and was a great support.

Then before I knew it my birthday was here.

I had a lovely card from Tyler and even a photo of him writing his name such a clever boy. The words in the card were great I think he may have had some help.

I was sent a picture of Tyler checking out the card.

Card from Jake with ten kisses his favorite number
Jake was so excited he bought me a duck for the pond for my birthday, he wrapped it and helped me to open it. As you can see the fish love the duck.